Ännu mer bilder :D

Hallo, ville bara tala om att jag är hemma nu! Resan gick bra med den var lång tråkig och jag ville helst stanna kvar :(
Klänningen och halsbandet kommer ifrån BCBG och skorna från Steve Madden :)

Utomhus bröllop i DC!

FINA Mihaela hade också en klänning från BCBG

SÖTASTE :P På bilden är det ringbäraren och brudnäbben! Sjukt söta.. dansade med varandra hela tiden och lekte runt.. de skämdes inte alls.. de var så söta när de posade för en också :)


Halsbandet jag har på mig är även från BCBG. ÄLSKAR BUTIKEN! Mihaela fixade så att jag kunde gå förbi en BCBG butik där hennes vän är chef och hon tog fram alla möjliga klänningar som hon tyckte passade bäst med smycken osv. Sjukt roligt för jag behövde bara vänta och så sprang hon runt och valde ut allt och allt var verkligen jätte fint men jag valde denna svart tajta klänningen med det guldiga halsbandet :) Grym service och jag hittade precis det jag ville ha!

Hej söta ni! Igår så var vi runt och försökte hitta en vit iPad and guess what? I FOUND ONE :-D vi chansade med den närmaste Apple butiken och de hade tyvärr inte fått någon iPad leverans så när vi var i den butiken så ringde vi runt! Vi fick tag på en butik som hade några kvar men kunde inte lova att det skulle finnas några kvar innan vi kom så vi körde raka vägen dit och jaaaaa DUMMA TRAFIK! Sen så ringde jag även till tysons Apple butik men de hade inte hunnit öppna leveransen vilket var tur för jag ville chansa på tysons istället för stället som hade några kvar! Men anyways.. Nu har jag en och är riktigt nöjd.. Det blev den vita med ett rosa skydd :-) efter det så åkte vi vidare till en outlet mall där jag handlade klart det mesta! Sen till middag så firade vi min sena födelsedag! Det var hur mysigt och trevligt som helst.. Vi var på cheesecakefactory och så fick jag ännu en present från Mihaela och hennes man! Sjukt roligt par och hur trevliga och underbara som helst!
Idag så är det vilodag men jag har inte shoppat klat än hahah.. Kanske ska iväg till Hooters och käka.. Har alltid velat se hur det är där!
Menmen.. Här kommer lite bilder från gårdagen!

Idag så är det vilodag men jag har inte shoppat klat än hahah.. Kanske ska iväg till Hooters och käka.. Har alltid velat se hur det är där!
Menmen.. Här kommer lite bilder från gårdagen!

Hey you guys! Sorry for the lousy update but the past days we have been really busy! I never got to go to the wedding rehersal because I got sick so i stayed back at the hotel to rest up for the wedding the next day! Thankfully I felt alot better the next day and I got to go. So it all started with waking up really early and pack all of my things to leave so that I could get a ride to where the limo was picking us up. The groom had rented a white limo for us girls to ride around in! So we took the limo to the hairsalon and we all got out hair done! :D It was SOOO COOL.. haha my first limo ride! The guys got a black hummer limo! After that we went to the hotel where the actuall wedding was taking place and had a suit to get ready in! We girls had so much fun.. it was so nice to surprise the bride when we picked her up with the limo.. she got so surprised.. we also had champange to calm her down.. hahaha wedding nerves :p IN THE END IT ALL WENT WELL AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL!
The reception was so nice and it was fun to meet everyone! We were all so tired after so when we got home it was just straight to bed!
Today we went out to pick up the wedding couple and then dropped them off at the airport.. they are flying to Florida for their honeymoon :) after that we went to IHOP to get some breakfast and then we stopped by Fairoaks Mall again! I have also been trying to get an IPAD but they keep on getting sold out in here.. ALWAYS so packed in the apple stores.. it's insane! I asked how to get one and they said that they get shipments almost everyday but they never know how many they get so they said to get one you have to be there early.. because litterally there are people standing in line everyday to get one! That's how crazy people are about it! Hahaha.. really hope I can get one!
I have so many pictures to show you guys but for now ill just show you a couple from my phone.. sorry i forgot my cam cable in sweden! I promise ill show you guys as soon as I get to upload them.. me and my friend Mihaela were like paparazzis so i'll have alot to show you guys!

No makeup pic... just got my hair done first :)


The reception was so nice and it was fun to meet everyone! We were all so tired after so when we got home it was just straight to bed!
Today we went out to pick up the wedding couple and then dropped them off at the airport.. they are flying to Florida for their honeymoon :) after that we went to IHOP to get some breakfast and then we stopped by Fairoaks Mall again! I have also been trying to get an IPAD but they keep on getting sold out in here.. ALWAYS so packed in the apple stores.. it's insane! I asked how to get one and they said that they get shipments almost everyday but they never know how many they get so they said to get one you have to be there early.. because litterally there are people standing in line everyday to get one! That's how crazy people are about it! Hahaha.. really hope I can get one!
I have so many pictures to show you guys but for now ill just show you a couple from my phone.. sorry i forgot my cam cable in sweden! I promise ill show you guys as soon as I get to upload them.. me and my friend Mihaela were like paparazzis so i'll have alot to show you guys!

No makeup pic... just got my hair done first :)


Happy bday Octavian!
Hey you guys! Yesterday was SOOO MUCH FUN! As I said on my last blogpost I was waiting to get picked up and when we got to the mall we just grabbed lunch quick and then the guys had to leave for work which left me alone to go shopping for a couple of hours! I found a bunch of stuff.. ill show you guys later! :)
After the shopping we had to go straight to the restaurant to celebrate a friends birthday.. met up with all the friends including the couple thats getting married on saturday! We went to a place called "The melting pot". It's a fondue restaurant and we got to dip food in cheese and chocolate and then boil our own foods. I got so confused with the menu so I just grabbed what ever sound the best hahaha.. so first we all had veggis and bread dipped in cheese then we all got salad to eat after.. after that one I got a bunch of seafoods,chicken and meat to boil in a stock that they made infront of us... i mean they where puttin the ingredients in the pot! And the last was IN MY OPINION the BEST.. we got to dip brownies,fruits,cake,crackers in WARM MELTED CHOCOLATE!! I really liked the place and the food was good but it just takes time to get everything done!
At the top floor at Pentagon Mall!

I went VS shopping for my sisters, mom and me :D


Truly happy!
Hey you guys! I'm finally here and I can definetly say that I'm happy! I got here yesterday and we just decided to relax because I was really tired from the flight... and OMG the long flight was a WHOLE 9 HOURS LONG! I don't know why I picked that flight because I don't remember it saying to be that long BUT WHATEVER i'm here now!
The plan today is waiting to get picked up from the house around lunch so I can go to Pentagon Mall! WOHUU FOR SHOPPING! :D and then later today we are heading out to eat dinner with friends! Excited to see everyone again!
I had sushi for dinner yesterday and we went to my FAVORITE place called Matsui Sushi! IT'S THE BEST!!! We also stopped by a grocery store the get a bunch of small things I need.. haha I love their grocery stores in here.. it's like a never ending store with food. They have so much to choose from hahahha :D I LOVE FOOOD!

Check in later.. ill try to take some pics at the mall!
Wedding invitation
Fick hem bröllops inbjudan från paret som ska gifta sig i DC :)
Själva bandet så finare ut än på bilden, det är jag som inte vet hur man knyter en bra rosett som den var innan :P Måste börja leta klänning som jag ska ha på bröllopet :) och skor! Ska bli så kul! Jag längtar verkligen!!